
The Wrestler (2008)

Director: Darren Aronofsky (Requiem for a Dream, Pi [both incredible])
Stars: Mickey Rourke (Sin City, Heaven's Gate)
Marisa Tomei (Before the Devil Knows You're Dead, Anger Management)
YesNoSoso: 2

I love Aronofsky and although The Wrestler omits alot of his previous works "gimmicky film school tactics" I still loved it. Alot of critics considered Requiem to contain too many stylized gimmicks to be a truly great film, whereas I think it displayed the perfect blend of edgy style and content. Regardless, The Wrestler signifies a departure from Aronofsky's earlier work. Largely a character study into an aging wrestler, the depth of emotion that is displayed in both Rourke and Tomei's character is truely overwhelming.

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