
Hot Rod (2007)

Director: Akiva Schaffer (He's one third of Lonely Island and directed some SNL)
Stars: Adam Samberg (I Love You Man, I haven't seen any of his other movies)
Ian McShane (Sexy Beast, Agent Cody Banks)
YesNoSoso: 2

Surprisingly hilarious considering it basically got zero fanfare. From this movie, MacGruber and the SNL Digital Shorts, Andy Samberg and his fellow Lonely Island members are, at this point in their careers, a difficult-to-deny force in comedy. Bill Hader, Sissy Spacek, Will Arnett, Danny McBride, Isla Fischer and the third member of Lonely Island Jorma Taccone round at a great cast that really plays off each other nicely.


9 (2009)

Director: Shane Acker (nothing else and nothing else in development)
Stars: Elijah Wood (The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, North)
Martin Landau (Ed Wood, Ready to Rumble)
YesNoSoso: 2

Readers of YesNoSoso know that I'm a sucker for quality animation and apocalyptic tales, so 9 is right in my wheelhouse. The film centers around "9", an autonomous sack-puppet that has just woken up in a scary and desolate world. Jennifer Connelly, Christopher Plummer, Crispin Glover and John C Reilly provide voices for some of the other "puppets"in this action packed story of discovery. I know there are those who simply don't like animation (a certain ex-roommate for one), but I find it hard to believe that this movie doesn't hold at least some appeal for all.

Star Trek (2009)

Director: J.J. Abrams (Mission: Impossible 3, "Alias" [I've never seen])
Stars: Chris Pine (Smokin' Aces [which was pretty bad], Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement)
Zachary Quinto ("24", "Heroes" [Both bad shows])
YesNoSoso: 2

Well this movie was a pleasant surprise. Mission: Impossible 3 was also surprisingly good, so I suppose I shouldn't have been shocked that I enjoyed Abrams take on Star Trek. He has just envoked so much hatred in me for the direction "Lost" has taken and I haven't really enjoyed the Star Trek franchise up until now. Abrams reboot though, is extremely entertaining and very well executed. Very good performances from Pine and Quinto that helps establish that camaraderie between Kirk and Spock seen in the titular television show. Well paced action and quality (but not over the top) special effects make this a very enjoyable movie experience.


The Lives of Others (2006)

Director: Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck (some German stuff you've never heard of)
Stars: Ulrich Muhe (some German stuff you've never heard of, Sharp Shooter)
Sebastion Koch (some German stuff you've never heard of)
YesNoSoso: 2

An amazing movie depicting the clash of humanistic behavior in the socialistic regime of East Germany. A truly original plot, superbly acted through many twists and turns returns an incredibly engrossing film full of personality. I'm always amazed when a director is able to establish a connection between the characters and the audience without the aid of a common language. I was fully invested in the welfare of the main characters in The Lives of Others and because of that will be back for a second viewing. At least.

Where the Wild Things Are (2009)

Director: Spike Jonze (Being John Malkovitch, Adaptation [both incredible])
Stars: Max Records (The Brothers Bloom [never saw it, heard it was good, he's done nothing else])
Catherine Keener (Hamlet 2, Switch)
YesNoSoso: 2

With Spike Jonze directing and Dave Eggers assisting on the script this movie had all the makings of a legend. I don't believe the end product reflects my initial high hopes, but it is still quite good. James Gandolfini, Paul Dano, Catherine O'Hara, Forest Whittaker, Michael Berry Jr (I've never heard of him either) and Lauren Ambrose provide the 'Wild Things' with voices and create rich and complicated characters. I enjoyed my 2 hours and definitely feel that there was underlying meaning and implications that I missed on the first viewing. Therefore, by definition, it received a YesNoSoso 2.