
Grizzly Man (2005)

Director: Werner Herzog (Rescue Dawn, Bad Lieutenant: Port of New Orleans [both of which are very good])
Stars: Timothy Treadwell (real person, its a documentary)
YesNoSoso: 1

This could be the classic case of me overreacting to all the positive hype this movie received but I didn't love this movie. I've been on a bit of a documentary kick lately and was very excited about Grizzly Man, seeing as everybody who I told about my recent documentary kick suggested it to me. Add that to the fact that it was on The Onion's AV Club's 50 best movies of the 00's and I was expecting a mind blowing documentary. I really didn't find that to be true. Some of the footage Treadwell shot and Herzog used is truley beautiful and makes for a visually appealing film but I found the story to be less than compelling. Perhaps it was knowing he dies, but I was simply bored.

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