
Symbiopsychotaxiplasm: Take One (1968)

Director: William Greeves (I haven't heard of anything else he's done)
Stars: No one famous
YesNoSoso: 0

Listen to the idea William Greeves envisioned for this movie: Audition film students to act in a movie, continually acting out the same scene. Then Greeves hired a crew to film a "making-of" and concurrently had a crew filming the crew hired to film the "making-of". Greeves purposedly filmed the "actual" movie terribly in order to incite a rebellion among the crew, a rebellion that actually does occur when the crew changes the ending to the movie (that didn't really exist in the first place). If that didn't make any sense to you, don't worry about it, the movie is extremely boring, unless you enjoy pompus film-school douchebags talking in airs of self-importance.

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