
Sunshine (2007)

Director: Danny Boyle (Slumdog Millionaire, The Beach [not that bad])
Stars: Cliff Curtis (Three Kings, 10,000 BC)
Cillian Murphy (Batman Begins, Red Eye)
YesNoSoso: 2

Bizarre, but awesome. I have to admit, I will have to watch this movie again to fully understand what happened. I think readers of YesNoSoso are well versed in my hard-on for awesome concepts and this movie is no different. In Sunshine a bunch of astronauts are sent to the Sun in the year 2057 to reignite it, kind of like Armageddon. Unlike Armageddon, the ensemble cast they employed to act as the crew can actually...act (my apologies to Steve Buscemi). Also there is a supernatural and spiritual element to the plot that makes an interesting balance to the technical aspect of the science fiction genre.

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