
4 Months, 3 Weeks, 2 Days (2007)

Director: Christian Mungiu (some Romanian shit you've never heard of)
Stars: Anamaria Marinca (Youth Without Youth [Coppola's latest movie, havent' seen it], some Romanian shit you've never heard of)
Laura Vasiliu (some Romanina shit you've never heard of)
YesNoSoso: 1

A movie about obtaining an abortion in Soviet Bloc Romania in the 80's and its about as horrible as that sounds. In a country where the only place you can buy cigarettes is on the Black Market, imagine how unsanitary and horrific it is trying to get an abortion. Honestly the worst part of the movie wasn't the graphic as fuck shot (when you see it, you'll know what I'm referring to), or the actual procedure, but the "doctor" explaining what the procedure entails. I have a feeling that was the point. Definitely worth checking out, but is incredibly slow in parts.

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